Class of 1970 Reunion

Calling all Blackcats,

As you know, our 50-year reunion had to be postponed in both 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID pandemic. But we’re not going to let it stop us in 2022.

Our reunion is set for April 29th and 30th.


On Friday the 29th we’re going to have a luncheon at Camp 31 BBQ. It’s located in downtown Brewton, 222 Saint Joseph Avenue.

We have a private room reserved from 11 – 3. The lunch will be buffet-style, starting about 11 AM, with an assortment of meats, vegetables, and salads.

The cost with tax and gratuity is slightly under $15 per person. In addition, we’ve paid $150 for the room and setup so we’re asking for donations in the $4-$5 per person range, depending on the number who attend, to cover this cost.


On April 30th we’ll join with other CHS graduates at Stone Lake for the All-Years Class Reunion and Fish Fry, something that has been an annual event and allows us to visit with others in classes both before and after ours.

The event is at the pavilion in the Stone Lake Campground area and begins at 9 AM and runs through the lunch hour. The fish-fryers get started about 9 AM, others start showing up about 10 AM, and lunch is usually served in the 11:30 to 12:00 range. In years past the event hosts have fried up a mess of fish and everyone who comes is asked to bring a side and/or a dessert. If you don’t live in the area, you can stop by a grocery and pick up a tub of deli potato salad and/or cole slaw. Or a box of cookies. There’s typically plenty of food for everyone but it never hurts to contribute to the cause. NOTE: it may be wise to bring folding lawn chairs as oftentimes all the tables and benches inside the pavilion can be filled.

The event hosts do take donations to help cover the cost of the fish, frying oil, and things like ice, cups, and the like.

There is a Facebook page for the Stone Lake event. If you’re a Facebook user, click on Events (left side of your home page), and then in the search bar area type in Blackcat Reunion. It should be at the top of the search results and I’m sure more information will be added to this page as the date draws closer.


The Reunion Planning Committee asks that you fill out the form below if you’re planning to attend. This information is needed for the restaurant venue on Friday, so we can let them know how many will be present.

Click Here to see a list of classmates who have signed up to be at one or both of the weekend reunion functions.

There has also been some discussion about having coffee and doughnuts at the Alger-Sullivan Historical Society building on Friday morning. There might be some other additions or side-events that are put together. When you register, you’ll be certain to get any updates on other plans that may come together.

Hope you can be there and share in the old stories from so long ago.